Journal of Nursing-lupine publishers

Health Care Professionals’ Attitudes aboutUsing Computer by Ayşegül Koç in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care (LOJNHC) - Lupine Publishers Aim: This cross sectional study was conducted among health care professionals working in special and state health institutions in Yozgat to determine health care professionals’ attitudes about using computer in health care institutions. Method: Sampling was done by random sampling method with 1/4 rate and 197 samples were taken for the study. Data was collected using a questionnaire prepared in accordance with the literature by the researchers. Statistical analysis of the data was performed by using Reliability analysis , chi-square test and binary logistic regression analysis. Result: Half of the research group was working in second level public health institutions and 22.3% in private health institutions. Seventy one percent of the participants stated that they use computers at work. Seventy ...