Patient Satisfaction from Nursing Care in Private Tertiary Care Hospital Peshawar (LOJNHC) - Lupine Publishers

Patient Satisfaction from Nursing Care in Private Tertiary Care Hospital Peshawar by Muslim Shah in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers The objective of this study was to assess patient satisfaction regarding nursing care provided in health care setting.Cross-sectional study was conducted in private tertiary care hospital. A well-structured questionnaire was adopted and translated from English into Urdu that covered multiple domains to assess patient satisfaction. Data was collected through convenience sampling technique. Data analysis was done by SPSS version 22.Total participants were 52 in which 59.6% subjects were highly satisfied, 32.6% were partially satisfied and 7.7% were dissatisfied from nursing care. Age, gender, education and hospital stay have no effect on patient satisfaction. Applied Chi-square test that was not significant.