
Showing posts from December, 2018

Large Inverted Colonic Diverticulum (LICD) (LOJNHC) - Lupine Publishers

Large Inverted Colonic Diverticulum (LICD) by Hormati A in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers A 61 years old woman was referred to gastroenterology clinic for evaluation of abdominal pain. She complained from changeless pain in RUQ persisting for three months. She didn’t have any other symptoms, anemia, and weight loss. In physical examination, patient didn’t have any abnormal sign. Laboratory test were normal. Colonoscopy of the patient showed a 30×15mm sub mucosal lesion in the Ascending colon near to hepatic flexure. In gross view the sub mucosal lesion was similar to normal mucosa with large circumferential pedicle that changed its appearance according to low and high insufflations degree.

Intervening Practices for Cyberbullying Prevention (LOJNHC) - Lupine Publishers

Intervening Practices for Cyber bullying Prevention by Gilberto Marzano in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers The Internet is a hugely vast, intriguing world, difficult to penetrate in depth, rich with dissimulation, full of useful but also evil things, that is continuously changing. Cyber bullying represents a palpable risk, especially for the online generation who is constantly connected and uses the internet to socialize. The first step for the prevention of cyber bullying is the acquisition of knowledge of what cyber bullying is and how it occurs within a specific context. This is no easy task, since cyber bullying is a complex and creeping new phenomenon, so much so that researcher’s opinions are often divided as to its definition, and there is a lack of agreement on many aspects concerning it. This article presents and comments on some cyber bullying preventing strategies and tips, and is devoted to educators engaged in cyber ...

To Make People With Dementia Forget About Forgetting: Experiences from a Daily Care Center (LOJNHC) - Lupinepublishers

To Make People With Dementia Forget About Forgetting: Experiences from a Daily Care Center by Oznur Korukcu Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine publishers Characterized by progressive physical and cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s disease has some adverse effects on life quality of patients and their families. Methods: This study held to determine the impact of the Blue House Alzheimer’s Patients and Patient Relatives Center in life of mild Alzheimer’s patients has a pattern of descriptive qualitative research. Eleven patients whose Standardized Mini Mental Test score is over 27 have been individually interviewed thoroughly. The data obtained as a result of the study has been transcribed and analyzed on interview outputs and the themes have been determined.

To Make People With Dementia Forget About Forgetting: Experiences from a Daily Care Center (LOJNHC)- Lupine Publishers

To Make People With Dementia Forget About Forgetting: Experiences from a Daily Care Center by Oznur Korukcu in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers. Characterized by progressive physical and cognitive dysfunction, Alzheimer’s disease has some adverse effects on life quality of patients and their families. This study held to determine the impact of the Blue House Alzheimer’s Patients and Patient Relatives Center in life of mild Alzheimer’s patients has a pattern of descriptive qualitative research. For more Lupine Publishers Open Access Jo...

Community-Based Participatory Research for Nutrition and Health Programs in the Caribbean: Using the Delphi Process to Create Sustainable Outcomes(LOJNHC)- Lupinepublishers

Community-Based Participatory Research for Nutrition and Health Programs in the Caribbean: Using the Delphi Process to Create Sustainable Outcomes by Elizabeth D Wall-Bassett in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers The Delphi Method was employed to identify key areas for intervention. The main themes were sponsorship and support, community ownership, commitment of community and committee members to health and nutrition programs. Concerns which exist, or were perceived to exist at the community, household, or individual level were identified. During the first phase a Steering Committee composed of government officials and stakeholders in the Commonwealth of Dominica gathered to discuss health concerns. There were three rounds. During the third round, an Advisory Committee with a representative Community Health Aide from each health district was established and charged with acting as the intermediary to facilitate programs based on the suggest...