Large Inverted Colonic Diverticulum (LICD) (LOJNHC) - Lupine Publishers

Large Inverted Colonic Diverticulum (LICD) by Hormati A in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers A 61 years old woman was referred to gastroenterology clinic for evaluation of abdominal pain. She complained from changeless pain in RUQ persisting for three months. She didn’t have any other symptoms, anemia, and weight loss. In physical examination, patient didn’t have any abnormal sign. Laboratory test were normal. Colonoscopy of the patient showed a 30×15mm sub mucosal lesion in the Ascending colon near to hepatic flexure. In gross view the sub mucosal lesion was similar to normal mucosa with large circumferential pedicle that changed its appearance according to low and high insufflations degree.