Attitudes and Emotional Responses of the Nurses in Jordanian Public Hospitals toward Caring for Patients with Disabilities (LOJNHC)-Lupine Publishers

Attitudes and Emotional Responses of the Nurses in Jordanian Public Hospitals toward Caring for Patients with Disabilities by Maziad Abed Al Karim Al Adwan in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers The study aimed to investigate the attitudes and emotional responses of the nurses in 3 Jordanian Public hospitals for patients caring for patients with disabilities. To achieve the aim of the study a sample was taken from 3 public hospitals in Jordan. Data were analyzed. Results indelicate no correlation between demographic variables and the attitudes and emotions, However there was correlation between attitudes and emotions toward nursing individuals at (p <0.05), But analyzing the correlation between demographic variables and the items of the attitudes scale and emotions shows some correlation individually.