
Showing posts from November, 2018

Attitudes and Emotional Responses of the Nurses in Jordanian Public Hospitals toward Caring for Patients with Disabilities (LOJNHC)-Lupine Publishers

Attitudes and Emotional Responses of the Nurses in Jordanian Public Hospitals toward Caring for Patients with Disabilities by Maziad Abed Al Karim Al Adwan in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers The study aimed to investigate the attitudes and emotional responses of the nurses in 3 Jordanian Public hospitals for patients caring for patients with disabilities. To achieve the aim of the study a sample was taken from 3 public hospitals in Jordan. Data were analyzed. Results indelicate no correlation between demographic variables and the attitudes and emotions, However there was correlation between attitudes and emotions toward nursing individuals at (p <0.05), But analyzing the correlation between demographic variables and the items of the attitudes scale and emotions shows some correlation individually.

Self Medication- A Serious Threat to Society (LOJNHC)- Lupine Publishers

Self Medication- A Serious Threat to Society by Mohammed in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers Self-medication practices involve the consumption of drugs to treat self-diagnosed symptoms or disorders and also include  the use of prescribed drugs intermittently or continually for chronic or recurrent ailments or its manifestations. Self-medication is  widely practiced as a first-line option in most types of illness and has led to the widespread concern over the irrationality of drug  use. The prevalence of such practices is alarmingly high in developing countries where achievement of universal healthcare is far  from achieved. The scenario in India, which is stratified by the World Bank into lower-middle income country, is not much different  from other developing nation counterparts. Many studies have concluded that people who tend to self-medicate detain care seeking  and this in turn can result in par...

To Examine the Relationship and Strength of Alcohol Related Intimate Partner Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa(LOJNHC)- Lupine Publishers

To Examine the Relationship and Strength of Alcohol Related Intimate Partner Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa by Ekpenyong MS in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health Care in Lupine Publishers Alcohol-related intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious public health issue which has attracted a lot of research and debates.While some studies have reported the relationship between alcohol and IPV to be linear, others have reported threshold effects.While some studies have found the link to be strong, others have reported weak or no association. Using Logistic regression and meta-analysis, the relationship, strength of relationship and possible moderators of the alcohol-IPV link are investigated in ten subSaharan African countries. The results indicates that while alcohol consumption is associated with IPV in three of the countries,alcohol abuse was associated with IPV in the other seven countries lending support for both the linear and threshold effects in sub SaharanAfrica...

Identification of Factors Affecting Mother-Infant Bonding in Advanced Maternal Age (LOJNHC)- Lupine Publishers

Identification of Factors Affecting Mother-Infant Bonding in Advanced Maternal Age by Esma Gulturk in LUPINE ONLINE JOURNAL OF NURSING & HEALTH CARE in Lupine Publishers Objective: Advanced maternal age has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes such as increased perinatal mortality,preterm delivery, and low birth weight. To identify the factors affecting the level of mother-infant bonding in advanced maternal age. Methods: The present study was conducted at Akdeniz University Hospital and Antalya Training and Research Hospital between September 1st and December 31st, 2015. Statistics that describe the introductory information were provided along with the values of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Independent variables were categorical, logistic regression model was employed to identify the factors affecting the mother-infant bonding. Mother’s educational attainment, employment status,occupation, spouse’s age, educational attainment, occupation,...

Nursing’s Role in End of Life Discussions(LOJNHC)-Lupine Publishers

  Nursing’s Role in End of Life Discussions by Heidi Mason in Lupine Online Journal of Nursing & Health care in Lupine Publishers. Every person deserves a dignified death. What this entails varies dramatically from patient to patient. Most people, however, never discuss their wishes regarding the care they desire for this very personal, final journey. As technology improves, as well as the ability to successfully treat almost any condition, both patients and clinicians alike have begun to ignore the reality of death. In our present culture discussing death has become taboo. Patients may think about the end of their lives but are unsure or uncomfortable broaching the topic with their medical staff and families. Additionally, many clinicians are uneasy with end-of-life (EOL) discussions and, consequently, avoid them entirely. It is, however, the ethical responsibility of health care providers to address their patient’s wishes regarding EOL care. Clinicians ne...